Missionary activity on radio silenced by Yad Lachim

Yad Lachim are upset with a Russian language radio station in Israel at the moment from a missionary group offering to mail literature to listeners, its uncertain which group it is.

They wrote to the station and arranged for the ads to be pulled.



YL refer to Jesus as ‘that man’

Well, take a look at this link:- http://www.chabad.info/index.php?url=article_en&id=25386

Mr. Michael Gilboa, chief editor of REKA met with Chabad bosses back in January!!

Chabad is a missionizing group of Orthodox Judaism, and have campaign activity at full steam ahead at the moment.   Just look at how many posters of Rebbi Schneerson are on the back of street signs and adorned in shops!!

If you don’t want missionary activity you can’t let the Chabad do their marketing as well!!!