Introducing Lev Lachim, the brothers of Yad Lachim?

Lev Lachim (heart to the brothers) is a similar operation to Yad Lachim, they are against perceieved assimilation of Jewish people, by getting women out of Arab towns and fight against missionaries in Israel.  Actually Lev Lachim was founded in 1995 from ex-Yad Lachim staff.   Wonder what made them leave and staff up a similar charity?

Wikipedia article in Hebrew here, translate yourself or use Google Chrome browser.

We haven’t heard much about this similar organization from our Messianic friends in Israel, they are either do better job of sneaking around, or maybe they are no longer in business.   3,000 activists is a lot though, wonder if they are just volunteers?

Some of religious Orthodox friends may think that these folks might do a similar job of anti-assimilation without some of the embarassing criminal links.

Actually no.   This is former boss of Lev Lachim Aryeh Deri who was in the Shaas party.   He was convicted of taking $155,000 in bribes while serving as Interior Minister and given a three-year jail sentence in 2000, he was replaced by Eli Yishai. (who is a Yad Lachim supporter, might be the reason why the Ministry of Interior has an unhealthy relationship with Yad Lachim) Due to good behavior, Deri was released from Maasiyahu Prison in 2002 after serving 22 months.

Some of our anti-anti-missionary friends did some research a map, the two brothers/’lachims in Bnei Barack are actually 600 meters / 2 minutes away from each other.   In Haifa, both sets of operations are 250 metres away from each other.  Are they rivals or working together?

Lev Lachim web site:כתבות/לב%20לאחים.htm

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